Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Create Comments Faster | Visual Studio 2005

GhostDoc is an add-in for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 that tries to automate XML documentation. With GhostDoc installed, you move the cursor into the method or property you want to document, invoke the "Document This" command using either the source editor's context (right-click) menu or a hotkey, and GhostDoc will create an XML documentation comment. The result for

public void AppendHtmlText(HtmlProvider htmlProvider){...}

would be:

/// Appends the HTML text.

/// The HTML provider.
public void AppendHtmlText(HtmlProvider htmlProvider)

Some more examples are:

/// Gets the at the specified index.

public string this[int index] {
get { ... }


/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether
/// this is cool.

/// true if cool; otherwise, false.

public bool Cool
get { return true; }
set { ; }


/// Determines the size of the page buffer.

/// Size of the initial page buffer.
public int DeterminePageBufferSize(int initialPageBufferSize)

GhostDoc can be downloaded from here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Smart Paster | Add-In for Visual Studio

SmartPaster is a plug-in for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 that allows text on the clipboard to be pasted in a format compatible with C# and Visual Basic code. SmartPaster can be downloaded from here.